NAG – Nawa Asha Griha, Home of New Hopes, is a home for street children in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Your donation to NAG means that you will provide a safe home and education for about 200 children and the opportunity for about 250 children from poor areas to attend school daily. The home and school is run solely with your support and your contribution will be used everywhere it is needed – whether it is to organize school supplies for everyone or food for over 450 people each day.

Thank you for helping the children to have an independent and self-determined future!

NAG – Nawa Asha Griha, Home of New Hopes, is a home for street children in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Your donation to NAG means that you will provide a safe home and education for about 200 children and the opportunity for about 250 children from poor areas to attend school daily. The home and school will be run solely with your support and your contribution will be used for whatever is needed – whether it is to organize school supplies for everyone or food for over 450 people each day.

Thank you for enabling the children to have an independent and self-determined future!


Funny and exciting stories from NAG’s everyday life

Five weeks in Kalikot

September 24th, 2024|

Our NAGers, who travelled to Kalikot at the beginning of the summer, were well prepared for this exchange throughout the last school year in NAG. Nevertheless, they were all very excited and nervous before leaving. They suddenly realised how privileged and safe their life in NAG had been up to now, despite their difficult stories of origin. The five weeks in Kalikot were an incredibly new and great experience for the young people. Not only was the environment new, the food was different, the people around them, the nature, the weather and the many insects. Nevertheless, all of our NAGers faced this task and returned to NAG with a backpack filled with many wonderful experiences. The NAGers were accommodated in the ODA Foundation and everyone was given an assignment at the beginning, such as "You teach English". Of course, things turned out differently and so our NAGers ended up teaching the students in Kalikot in all subjects. In Kalikot, the students also enjoyed dance, art and sports lessons, and our NAGers spontaneously conjured up lessons for the local children. For some NAGers, the journey to work meant setting off at six in the morning and completing a 45-minute, relatively steep hike. This contributed to some of them returning to NAG very fit after five weeks. To give you, dear readers, a better insight into the young people's experiences, here are a few statements from NAGers about what they took away with them after [...]

Dental prophylaxis project at NAG

September 10th, 2024|

In June, Ursina Weber visited us at NAG for six weeks. She is a dentist and periodontist. She first heard about NAG in a “10 vor 10” program during a report after the earthquake in 2015 and was enthusiastic about NAG. For this reason, [...]

NAG celebrates its 31st birthday!

September 10th, 2024|

I don't know about you, dear readers, but somehow time seems to be flying by. Didn't I just tell you about the 30th anniversary? Anyway, I am delighted to present to you the four theater dance pieces that were created as part of the 31st [...]

A new soccer field for the NAGers

June 10th, 2024|

The idea of supporting the expansion of the NAG football field on the roof of the boys' dormitory was born during a birthday party at the NAG, to which the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Berner Young Boys was also invited. No [...]

Your support makes all of this possible. Thank you!