Since 2014, NAG has been running the mobile health Clinic. It is registered as the NAWA ASHA GRIHA CLINIC with the Nepali health ministry. With a small team of one doctor (Dr. Raju Khatiwada), one head nurse (Sang Dolma Lama) and three junior nurses, the small NAG Clinic situated within NAG provides medical help to all of its students as well as the community. With our 4-wheel Jeep, the NAG clinic team visits remote villages in Nuwakot and Sindhupalchowk. There, it provides basic medical help and teaches the locals about hygiene and family planning. After the earthquake in 2015, the nurses and doctor went out to help where they could. During the Covid-19 pandemic the clinic has not only taken care of all the children in the home but has also been supporting the local isolation centers with medicine, safety equipment, food and oxygen. Due to the very difficult situation in Nepal at this very moment, we are running a small ambulance service for the isolation wards in Tokha and other places.
NAG Update from May 14, 2021:
Nepal has been back in lockdown now since 29 April 2021. Just like India the second wave has hit Nepal very hard. The hospitals are all full, Nepal has run out of oxygen and medication. The healthcare system has failed. Private hospitals are not taking Covid patents. The Numbers are going up fast.
After fighting it for over a year, Covid made it inside NAG. Strange enough it got into NAG while the older students and staff went for the Chinese Vaccine on April 26. It snuck in and on the 5th of May, we had the first positive case. On the 7th of May we tested every one inside NAG. We have 19 who tested positive. They are now in the school area for isolation. Our NAG Clinic team are doing a great job looking after everyone. Most have very mild symptoms and are recovering fast. The good news is that 81 of us have at least had our first Vaccine shot.
Our NAG Clinic is now also busy helping opening up Isolation centers (actually Surge Centers) trying to keep people from overflowing the hospitals. We organize Oxygen, get medicine, driving our Heidi as an ambulance and try to find doctors etc.
We have teamed up with great groups of private professionals (activists, doctors, engineers etc.) who are working hard to save as many lives as possible. As the Government fight amongst each other and seem to have given up, the people of Nepal have not and are doing their best to help each other. I am also impressed with the Mayors and ward chiefs of Tokha and Budhanilkantha who are opening up isolation centers and trying to help their people even while lacking oxygen.
NAG is now starting to contact all day students to find out how their food situation is. We will be going around giving out the necessities to get through the lockdown.
This is a difficult time but we have a great team here and like all the other times get through this.
Lots of Love from all your NAGers ♥️

Due to the new Covid-19 outbreak in Nepal, NAG organized tests for the children and staff.

Dr. Raju Khatiwada in front of the clinic’s jeep.

Ambulance transport by NAG. The ambulance driver, Suman, is wearing a protective suit.

The distribution of all the supplies is planned by Gyanendra Sir (school’s principal), Sang Dolma (NAG clinic’s head nurse), Nicole Thakuri and Raju Khatiwada (NAG clinic’s doctor).

Box filled with emergency supplies is ready to go!

Suman waiting for his next transport drive to an isolation ward.

The pick-up is being loaded with oxygen filled cylinders to be transported to the isolation units or desperate individuals.

Life saving oxygen. A rare commodity.
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